How To Get Quality Backlinks From Trusted Authority Websites

Getting backlinks is not as difficult as people make it seem. You can also make it a relevant link if you link from a related site or from content that is somehow related to your website. However, getting links from trusted sites is a little more difficult. They are not in the habit of linking to any old site for fear of losing their trusted status. Getting links from them is more difficult but not impossible. Here are a few tips that will help you on your way. They are not effective 100% of the time, but they are honest methods. Quality backlinks are very important for the search ranking and organic traffic of our website . But, a new blog should really focus on content . Only after that you should start building up links !

Pay For Them

It is illegal and hated by Google, but sometimes it works .This is the easiest and most tried and tested way. It is also the quickest because money makes the world go around. Have you ever wondered how bigger companies seem to get links to their websites from everywhere? They do it by paying for them. It does not seem like you are getting very much value for your money when you purchase links in this manner, but it is the fastest and best way of getting links from trusted sites.

Just remember--if a company offers you a link to purchase then turn them down. You need to approach the trusted websites yourself and offer them money; you should not buy links from companies that claim to sell them as they will probably damage your website SEO.

Request Author 

You could just come out and ask the web master what he/she thinks you should do in order to get a link. If you can get a response then try to figure out a way of convincing them to add a link to your website. Discussing some of the ideas listed below may get the ball rolling. But, there is every chance that the webmaster will already know what should be done in order to convince him/her to put a link on his/her website to your website.

Reciprocal Linking

There is a bit of discussion about whether reciprocal links are a good or bad thing, so here is the 411. Too many reciprocal links looks suspicious and will end up with your website getting penalized by Google. Also, if you keep writing things about reciprocal linking on your blog, website or linked text, or you somehow solicit reciprocal links then your website will probably be penalized. If you are going to suggest reciprocal linking to a trusted then do it over email, the phone, or social media private messages.

Start Guest Posting

If a trusted website has a blog, then offer to upload a guest post onto the blog. This is going to get you your link and the trusted website will get a bit of fresh content. It may take some convincing however, since a lot of people are probably asking if they can upload a guest post.

Create A Trusted Website And Link

If you want a link from a trusted website then build a trusted website. It is going to take a lot of time and effort, but it is one way of getting a trusted website link

Upload An Article

Some trusted websites will allow you to upload an article. For example, you may upload an online safety article to a college website. If you can convince the trusted website master to upload your article then you may end up with a very long lasting link. If they have a section that allows people to upload articles via their systems, then do it by all means.

Sponsoring Websites 

This is another way of saying that you have paid the website, but it sounds a lot nicer. You can have a link at the bottom of the page saying “sponsored by” and then the anchor text for your link. Sponsorships often expire, so you may have to keep paying routinely in order to keep your link from the site.

Write positive reviews of the site/service

Do it on your own website and add a link to the website/establishment involved and tell the website owner. It is a highly ineffective trick as many web masters will not care what you have written and probably will not even reply to your messages. Still, it is a tried and tested method for getting links from trusted sites. Try to target websites/establishments that are undergoing a bit of a PR crisis and could use the good publicity.


  1. As a template Developer i think the best way to get backlink is to implent your link into the credit footer but for someone else Guest posting is the best method. but don't ever buy links its not good for your blog's health. i have posted a article about it on my blog anyways nice and informative article.Keep it up.


    1. But Recently, Google declared that such sites sharing templates and widgets with links in footer will be penalized.
      Such links are called Distributed Links and can be very harmful !

      Stay Tuned $ Keep Visiting

    2. Yeah, mine blog too penalized by Google :(.

    3. Then , you can try to recover !
      Just build up again from the start !

  2. The article is really good. we have to create a backlink so that our site can progress more. great article . Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Well Said , Aditya !
      Backlinks are important for the progress and improvement of our website !

      Stay Tuned $ Kep Visiting

  3. Hi Blogger kid! I've been to your blog manier times and I like the tips you share. Google is becoming very strict day by day and it has become very imperative to keep a watch on every activity. Serious activities can shake our name and fame online. Thanks for giving tips on building BL.

    1. Thank for becoming our regular reader !

      Stay Tuned

  4. Having a good and strong backlinks is must, thanks for updation.. hope i will see more helpful articles, :D
