Rapture - Social Profiles Widget With Flapping And Hover Effect

Every Blogger should be social . Most of the bloggers have social profiles , but the readers might not know this . Suppose , if the reader likes your content , then they might want to subscribe to your social profiles to get updates about your blog activities . If , he couldn't find any social profiles , he will just leave without subscribing your site . So , you should always highlight your social profiles to get a maximum fan base . You should understand the value of a good fan base . It not only gives you traffic , but also a lot of fame . Without a good amount of fan base on the social profiles , your blog will not reach its highest potential . Even  in BuySellAds Marketplace , it highlights your social fans on Sites like Facebook and Twitter . They also highlight your RSS Feed Subscriber which can be increased by placing an E-mail Subscription Widget at the end of each post . Read This - Social Sharing Widget Under Post Title

You should add this widget to your blog if you have a small amount of fans on social networking websites . Nowadays , Nobody can spot  a website without links or icons to their social profiles . This widget is very large in size . So it would look good when you place it in the center of the footer .


1 . Go  TO Blogger - Layout - Add A Gadget
2 . Now Select HTML/Javascript .
3 . Copy The Coding Below and paste it . 
4 . Dont Forget to Change Links in THe Highlighted color to your links .

Source Codes

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Thats All! Now That You have added a great widget to your blog , its time for us to depart . If You loved this Widget please share this widget . Feel Free to comment about any related problems of this widget . 


  1. Nice Widgets :) Thanks for sharing..

    1. Thank You Bro :)
      For Spending Your Valuable Time
      Happy Ramdan To You

      Keep Visiting

  2. Replies
    1. OH! Yeah!
      THanks For Appreciation !

      You can subscribe to our Blog to get my creativity straight to your inbox !

  3. Could you tell me how you added "Share this article with your friends" shring buttons below the post.
    They are wonderful.

  4. Also tell me how can I remove the default sharing buttons in my template???
    Check my blog www.indianquizleague.blogspot.com

    1. Go To Blogger - Layout
      Now Select The Edit Option in Blog Posts Section In Layout
      A Popup Will appear !
      Disselect the Show Share Buttons
      Success !

      Stay Tuned for More
