How To Integrate CommentLuv Commenting System In Blogger

CommentLuv is one of the most used Wordpress commenting system . But ,it is not so popular in Blogger because most users do not know how to add this plugin .Nowadays , more and more bloggers are using CommenLuv because , as they provide a dofollow backlink , more and more people will start commenting on our Blog . Getting more comments gradually increases your blog popularity and many people will start visiting your Blog often to read your content and comment ! CommentLuv can be found in most of the Wordpress blogs but , it cannot be even found in any Blogger Blogs . The main reason for this is most bloggers dont know that by tweaking Intense Debate , CommenLuv can be added to your Blogspot Blog .CommentLuv is indeed one of the best commenting system that can be used for blogger . It can even increase your traffic . And it increases your comments as most of the people love CommentLuv because of the dofollow link this system provides . 

There's no wonder, they have named this system CommentLuv as most of the people quickly falls in love with this commenting system .And I'm sure that even you will surely thank the creators such a wonderful commenting system . But , I'm actually amazed that i couldn't even find one commeting system similar CommentLuv . So , indeed the coders of this widget deserves all the credits !

Why You Should Use CommentLuv

You should really use CommentLuv if you want to get more comments which eventually results in your traffic going up like a rocket . CommenLuv also has an anti-spam feature which can get rid of the spam comments.

So , CommentLuv is indeed one of the best system of comments .Readers from all over the world like CommentLuv because all of them gets a chance to show off one of their latest posts under the comments . THe best thing about this plugin is the dofollow links feature which increases your number of comments and traffic quickly !

How To Add CommentLuv in Blogger

As you know, CommentLuv does not have a direct plugin for Blogger . You can only integrate it to blogger using other commenting system . To add CommentLuv , you should Use the IntenseDebate Commenting system ! For that you should sign up at Intense Debate.

  1. Go To InteseDebate and Click on Signup
  2. You will be redirected to another page
  3. Here , Fill in your details
  4. And , Don't forget to tick the option saying 'I want to install IntenseDebate on my blog or website'
  5. Then Click on Signup .
  6. Now You have successfull registered at Intense Debate

Now , you have to sign in at Intense Debate and go here To add your website and other details . Now ad your website link . Now the time has reached to integrate CommentLuv on your Blogger blog . Keep that page intact and open a new tab to do the following steps.
  1. Go To Blogger - Template 
  2. Now Download your template by using the Backup/Restore button .
  3. Click on the Export button and you can download your Template .
  4. After downloading , Go to the other page and upload your template .
  5. Now , another popup box will appear with a code .
  6. That code is your new Template with the Intense Debate Commenting System
  7. Copy This Code
THis is your new template that has the Intense Debate Commenting system . Now you will have to add this template to your Blogger Blog and after that you have to configure CommenLuv . Follow the steps provided below .
  1. Go To Blogger - Template - Edit HTML
  2. Now Delete All THe codes here .
  3. Now Paste the code that you got from the new window . 
  4. Now You have successfully integrated IntenseDebate Commenting System to Blogger
Now , its our final step . It is adding the CommenLuv Plugin to our new commenting system . Follow the steps accordingly as stated both below and above, Please do it carefully.
  1. Go To the window from where you got the new template .
  2. At the bottom of this window you will find a link saying 'Go and Configure your Account'
  3. Click on it . A New Window will appear
  4. On the Left sidebar , you can find an option named Plugins
  5. There you can find the CommentLuv Plugin and then click on Activate .
  6. Success !
Now You have successfully added the CommentLuv plugin to Blogger by integrating the Intense Debate Commenting system and then activating the CommentLuv plugin through the Configuration settings of your account in Intense Debate !


  1. Well , thanks for those great words

    Keep Visiting

  2. Replies
    1. THanks for your valuable comment

      Keep Visiting

  3. This is really interesting post. So I can add commentluv on my blogspot? M gonna try for sure n I'll need your help...will ping you back if I get stuck anywhere.

    1. REally, You can do it !
      Message me if any problem ?

  4. Hey, I've sent you a mail...Pls check and help!! Thanks!!

  5. THANK YOU!! I installed commentluv successfully on my blog! :D

    1. Well, Now you know that we have a dedicated support team :)
