Sharing your articles is one of the most important way to get yourself recognised and reputed among your fellow readers . Making profiles in all social profiles the publicity of you yourself and your blog . Definitely , To maintain a good blog you also need a good fan base on the social networking sites . This not only increases the backlinks ( even though they are nofollow ) but also increases your traffic from the social networking websites . Share Your posts on these websites , but do not get addicted to it as sometimes getting addicted to Social Sites than blogging can definitely destroy your blogging career . So , here we are going to share a tutorial to add an attractive social Sharing buttons under the post title . This allows the readers to like your article , to tweet about it , and to pin your article and also share your article to 338 social networking websites . So Lets start the tutorial that can sometimes enable you instant success .
First , you have to get the code from a website . This website shares many types of social sharing buttons . They are very popular among very top brands so no need for any fear about wrong codings . has a lot of features which makes it a lot more better than other widget creator websites .
First , you have to get the code from a website . This website shares many types of social sharing buttons . They are very popular among very top brands so no need for any fear about wrong codings . has a lot of features which makes it a lot more better than other widget creator websites .
Now , go to . Select any type of Social sharing widget from Their list of buttons . Select the one according to your needs . Also , try to select it according to your template .Now , Customize the buttons . You can add many buttons . They have a big list of many beautiful social sharing buttons . Now , after customizing you will get the code . Copy the code . The Code that You got may be similar to the one given below if you created a widget exactly like the picture above .
- Go To Blogger - Template - Edit HTML
- Now Search For <data:post.body/>
- There might two or three <data:post.body/> 's .
- Just above it paste The code that you got after customization .
- Copy and paste this code that you got after customization above all the<data:post.body/> one by one and check which one is the correct one .
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